Second smallpox drug approved by the FDA
The approval was based on studies that involved neither humans nor the variola virus due to ethical considerations.
The approval was based on studies that involved neither humans nor the variola virus due to ethical considerations.
Pregnant women with COVID were 5x more likely to be admitted to an ICU.
Another surprising correlation found in regards to COVID-19.
Some good news on the pandemic treatment side.
It's the first time in thirty-five years since a death of this type has occurred in the world.
Researchers from Europe and the United States show that a new tuberculosis vaccine, MTBVAC, protects better than the current BCG...
It's not ideal, but it's better than some expected.
Maybe... if we look at a new study.
An important step forward in the fight to eradicate Ebola.
More evidence show link between blood type and coronavirus risk
Myanmar has eliminated trachoma as a public health problem.
We are learning more about how COVID-19 affects people every day, and this new find confirms what we've been fearing: asymptomatic people...
It's the first African country to reach this milestone.
Sleeping sickness is on the brink of eradication thanks to international efforts.
"COVID toes" are not a sign of COVID-19 infection but a result of sedentary lifestyles linked to community lockdown measures,...
A rather large portion of COVID-19 cases lack symptoms. A new study reveals new insights into how they can spread...
Men are often more at risk from disease -- and COVID is no exception.
Could sunlight be an ally against COVID-19? This study suggests so.
A phase 2 trial has shown that a 2-week course of triple antiviral therapy with (1) interferon beta-1b (used to treat...
BCG vaccination prevents severe forms of tuberculosis in children but reports of its efficacy against COVID-19 may be misleading.
Many people are sharing false information that the new coronavirus is airborne. This is not true.
It may be our best bet to fight this disease.
The trials show that the drug helps patients with fever, improves lung function and recovery time.
All your washing tips in one place
Three potential anti-COVID19 medicines have been officially announced by Chinese authorities.
The international community has issued preliminary guidance to help countries prepare for new cases of the outbreak.
Originally identified in sheep and horses in Europe, BoDV has since been found to occur in a wide range of...
Understanding how these distinct viruses hinder each other could be useful to improve forecasting models that predict respiratory disease outbreaks...
Large pockets of unvaccinate children have caused a backsliding in immunization against measles -- a vaccine-preventable disease.
Antibiotic-resistant typhoid is spreading in some parts of the world so this news comes in the nick of time.
The potentially deadly illness, which can be easily prevented with vaccinations, continues to spike globally.
An entire school district in Colorado shut down in the face of norovirus outbreaks.
Researchers found that the Zika virus interrupts the growth of the brain by taking control of a pathway that regulates...
Approximately 4.2 million adults will die as a result of diabetes and its complications in 2019
With the global trend of vaccine hesitancy, skeptical parents are refusing to get their children vaccinated due to false concerns...
Experts described the risk of infection as "very low," but called on members of the public to be aware of...
A major milestone in the global effort to eradicate all poliovirus strains.
The researchers plan to search for compounds (or existing drugs) that can kill the new parasite efficiently.
“This is an important step towards relieving the burden of this deadly disease."
Mucus contains sugars that can interfere with bacteria’s communication and behavior, a new study found.
Malaria could be eradicated within a generation, a landmark report says.
People with heart disease are at least six times more likely to have a heart attack after coming down with...
The resurgence of a preventable disease.
We need to step up our game, a lengthy report shows.
Few people affected by drug-resistant survive TB but new treatments offer a silver lining.
The vast majority of cases are latent tuberculosis infection. However, they can still develop active TB disease in the future.
Contrary to popular belief, estrogen hormones masculinize the brain in many mammals. The new findings might explain why boys are...
An aggressive strain of drug-resistant malaria that originated in Cambodia has rapidly spread into neighboring countries.
Sri Lanka is the fourth country in the WHO South-East Asia Region, after Bhutan, Maldives, and Timor-Leste, to eliminate measles...