Astronaut kidneys might not survive a mission to Mars
"I’d say that while an astronaut could make it to Mars they might need dialysis on the way back," researchers...
A space nerd and self-described grammar freak (all his Twitter posts are complete sentences), he loves learning about the unknown and figures that if he isn’t smart enough to send satellites to space, he can at least write about it. Twitter: @JordanS1981
"I’d say that while an astronaut could make it to Mars they might need dialysis on the way back," researchers...
Who knew a Martian meteorite could be so pretty?
Their ancestors adapted to warming seas, but can the current population do the same?
This finding offers fresh insights into the formation and evolution of asteroids and other celestial bodies.
Gliese 12 b has been described as "the nearest, transiting, temperate, Earth-size world located to date".
Just think of it as a waterfall into oblivion.
The new planet has so many volcanos, it glows red.
Previous theories don't hold water for some.
The new research could go on to help those with Parkinson's or Alzheimer's.
New study finds women seeing female physicians could receive better care.
Astronomers have found some hot magnetized gas swirling around our galaxy's center.
Something intriguing has been found just 47 light-years from Earth.
If confirmed, this would be the first rainbow-type phenomenon observed outside of our solar system.
Space could be getting it's own time zone.
Artemis 3, the first mission to carry humans to the Moon in almost 50 years, could also help advance agriculture...
Researchers are gaining new insights from protoplanetary disks.
Here is your guide to the 2024 solar spectacle.
Antibiotic discover is just one part of the rise of artificial intelligence in medicine.
Climate change propelled the migration of our ancestors out of Africa and into Eurasia.
Orcas around the world have proven themselves adept hunters, making them the apex sea predators.
A planet's atmosphere would need to contain at least 16 percent oxygen to support fire.
Astronomy and oceanography collide in surprising research.
The Clipper's metal plate is much like the Voyager golden records meant to introduce planet Earth and its Earthlings to...
The observation provides a rare glimpse into the early universe, offering clues about the formation and evolution of galaxies.
Is engineering ready for the future?
From hidden giant to galactic groove machine, the Radcliffe Wave is shaking up our understanding of the Milky Way, one...
Could this be last call for the spacecraft?
Could this be how water ended up on Earth?
Researchers found a new "super-Earth" sitting in its star's goldilock zone. Could it harbor life?
Japan is now officially part of an elite Moon-landing club.
This could be the last hope for northern white rhinoceroses.
Growing food in space isn't without challenges.
The discovery might up-end how scientists believe black holes form.
Experiments with X-ray lasers simulate space conditions.
Nature is becoming the new healthcare trend.
Most experts believe the behavior to be a benign fad.
No, its not a wormhole; it's Uranus.
Too hot outside? Don't worry, your clothes can take care of that for you.
Could cattle get us to into orbit?
A rainy day means something different on this planet.
Teamwork really does make the dream work.
The Sun could one day power more than just the Solar System.
Earth's uglier twin may have oxygen, but will never be habitable.
The new program can map an iceberg quicker than you can blink.
Physicists made the intangible almost tangible.
Hopefully night-vision goggles aren't next.
The next big thing in clean energy is literally above our heads.
NASA's InSight data reveals a 150-km molten layer in Mars' mantle, reshaping our understanding of its internal structure and magnetic...
Could Venus have hosted life?
Is it possible to fix a spacecraft billions of miles from home?