Megalodon Wasn’t a Fat Great White—It Was a Sleek Lean Killing Machine
Looks like the movies got it wrong; who would have guessed?
A space nerd and self-described grammar freak (all his Twitter posts are complete sentences), he loves learning about the unknown and figures that if he isn’t smart enough to send satellites to space, he can at least write about it. Twitter: @JordanS1981
Looks like the movies got it wrong; who would have guessed?
The find could hold implications for understanding the origin of life here on Earth.
Adding more diverse microbes could boost astronaut health.
If successful, Europe could begin weaning themselves from United States reliance.
The blistering system could be traveling at just under the Milky Way's escape velocity.
Sulfur dioxide might explain the planet's fiery surface.
This galaxy has the most rings we've ever seen.
Young supernovas could have spread water out into the cosmos, causing planet formations earlier than originally thought.
Researchers have found there are many more black holes in the universe than once thought. (Credit: WikiMedia Commons) Most picture...
No word yet if 88 miles per hour is the magic number.
The research group observed a galaxy nearly 6.5 billion light-years from Earth; when the universe was half its current age.
Until now, the thinking was that Pluto and Charon formed like Earth and our Moon. New research has flipped that...
Understanding how heat moves through the lunar regolith can help scientists understand how the Moon's interior formed.
Astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope have discovered a massive, dormant black hole from just 800 million years after...
Mars isn’t just a cold, barren rock. Anthropologists argue that the tracks of rovers and broken probes are archaeological treasures.
A gamma-ray flare from a black hole 6.5 billion times the Sun’s mass leaves scientists stunned.
Sun-like stars release massive quantities of radiation into space more often than previously believed.
A white dwarf/M dwarf binary could be the secret.
A new study sheds some additional light on the hellscape that is Venus.
Orcas have been observed launching synchronized attacks hunting whale sharks for the first time.
The powerful shockwave caused by the galactic collision is akin to a "sonic boom from a jet fighter."
NASA's research could provide useful information as humans venture farther out into space.
That Einstein guy really was smart.
Veterans' responses highlight the need for alternative therapies for mental health healing.
Back-up plans can be timeless.
Scientists can find new things even in the most well-studied black holes.
Galaxies grow up so quickly don't they?
Young galaxies such as this should have been "small and messy looking."
The finding could provide unprecedented insights into the great white's birthing practices.
The ESA's probe found life on Earth. No comment on its intelligence.
The collision shows just how wild the Solar System can be.
Two common ingredients could be the solution to a major environmental issue.
The newly discovered object sure wants to get out of the galaxy quickly.
Mars may have oceans' worth of water — but it's more than 10 km under the surface.
Meteorites keep the Moon's fragile atmosphere alive.
Could the Moon be the secret to protecting endangered animals?
Researchers have found cocaine in some Pacific sharpnose sharks.
Could pharmaceutical shelf lives be a setback for a trip to the Red Planet?
Forget open water sharks. Some of the most interesting sharks on Earth live near the ocean's floor.
Skeletons of people trapped and killed in buildings by earthquakes during the Vesuvius eruption could reveal a better picture of...
VR is more than just video games.
These are some sharks that won't force you to get a bigger boat.
Greenland sharks could hold the secret to better cardiovascular health.
Syntrichia caninervis has a real gift for bouncing back to life.
Some of the first U.S. president’s fruit preserves are remarkably intact, and there’s a chance they could grow new trees.
Their knowledge of specific plants with medicinal properties is stunning.
Massive black holes are usually dormant and invisible. However, SDSS1335+0728 decided to wake up.
Baby stars circling the supermassive black hole Sgr A* at high speed resemble a bee swarm.
Internet-providing satellites allow us to post memes, but at what cost?
This summer could produce a great celestial opportunity for astronomy enthusiasts.