NASA wants to take a piece of an asteroid and make it a moon of the Moon
It almost sounds too cheesy to be true: NASA wants to send a shuttle to an asteroid, pluck a piece...
Dragos has been working in geology for six years, and loving every minute of it. Now, his more recent focus is on paleoclimate and climatic evolution, though in his spare time, he also dedicates a lot of time to chaos theory and complex systems.
It almost sounds too cheesy to be true: NASA wants to send a shuttle to an asteroid, pluck a piece...
Most people tend to think of the Earth in terms of crust, mantle and core, and while those are indeed...
Paleontologists have found the remains of a "super salamander" - a previously unknown car-sized species of early amphibian. The predatory...
A new shocking theory suggests that Jupiter may have sweeped through our solar system much like a wrecking ball, knocking...
Everything is made of stardust - but some things are made of more stardust than others. A new study has...
With spring starting to settle in, snow is likely the last thing on people's minds - but NASA is taking...
They're considered a hybrid between asteroids and comets, but still, they're called minor planets; they also bear the name of...
Some 480 million years ago the seven-foot-long Aegirocassis benmoulae swam in a shallow sea covering what is today the Sahara...
NASA has announced its plans to implement smart glasses in their future missions. The space agency will work together with...
Using high sensitivity radar telescopes, astronomers have managed to take a glimpse at the surface of Venus, piercing through its...
Three hundred years ago, three African-born slaves from the Caribbean suffered a sad fate. No one knew who they are,...
For the second time, astronomers have discovered a planet in a solar system with four stars! While most solar systems...
According to a new report, a team of astronomers has observed a supernova explode - split into four different images....
A broken jaw unearthed in Ethiopia pushes back the origin of the homo linage - of which homo sapiens sapiens...
An ancient tomb possibly belonging to Amenhotep, the second Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of Egypt. Photographs distributed by the ministry show...
NASA's Curiosity Mars rover is expected to remain stationary for at least a couple of days after a shortcircuit has...
NASA's Towed Glider Air-Launch System will launch small payloads, like mini-satellites, into space more efficiently and at a fraction it...
There's something so eerily exciting about spacewalks... the idea of walking into outer space with only a cable connection you...
When we're talking about CO2 emissions and global warming, we generally mean atmospheric CO2 - where the gas is spewed...
"On the lava field" - photo credits Денис Будьков (Denis Buldakov) The orange molten rocks beneath Kamchatka's volcanic landscape looks surreally...
The carnivorous bladderwort (Utricularia gibba) a carnivorous plant which occurs fresh water and wet soil. Recently, they took biologists by...
Paleontologists diving beneath the surface of a water-filled cave in Madagascar made a monumental find: a graveyard filled with the...
Jupiter's satellite Europa is definitely one of the most interesting places in our solar system - despite being really far...
For all the developments in modern architecture, balconies have remained generally unchanged. This is why I was really pleasantly surprised...
Dark matter and black holes are some of the most mysterious things in the Universe, so a connection between the...
Life has found our blue gem planet as a welcoming host, but it hasn't always been all fun and games....
Pollution talks are often about the atmopshere, but we tend to foger that the most part of the pollution goes...
Too close for comfort - a team of astronomers from the US, Europe, Chile and South Africa concluded that a...
Our oceans are clogged with plastic - that's already a well known fact by now. A major study in 2014...
It's really awesome when the practice confirms the theory! Experiments at the Large Hadrdon Collider have revealed two never before...
The above footage highlights just how amazing octopus camouflage can really get. I'm not really sure what species this is, but I...
We tend to think of termites as pests, but the tiny insects actually play a crucial environmental role, at least...
A suborbital rocket carrying six research payloads was successfully launched into the Aurora Borealis. The probe will allow scientists to...
For the first time, astronomers have discovered a planetary ring system outside the solar system - and it's one of...
Using a specialized hot-water drill to cleanly bore through half a mile of ice, scientists found fish populations thriving in...
We often say that you only see 10% of the iceberg, the rest being underwater. US photographer Alex Cornell actually...
SpaceX, the company responsible for shipping cargo on and off the International Space Station, which wants to implement global access...
A federal judge decided this week that British Petroleum will pay a maximum of $13.7 billion for its 2010 Gulf...
NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has officially begun its six month approach to the planet Pluto. This is the first time...
In a groundbreaking analysis based on data extracted from hundreds of studies, scientists concluded that humans are on the verge...
According to a report issued by the Solar Foundation, jobs in the solar industry were added at a rate 20...
The threat of a possible ammonia leak in the US sector of the International Space Station (ISS) forced the American astronauts...
The New Zealand tuatara (Sphenodon) is one of those unique animals that warrants revision for biology textbooks. The lizard-like reptile...
For the first time, scientists have created a human muscle in a lab which can contract responds to external stimuli...
It's a belated Christmas on the International Space Station - a shipment of much needed groceries arrived, delivered by SpaceX.
In 1833, biologist Constantin Wilhelm Lambert Gloger showed that animals with warm blood that live closer to the equator tend...
Hydraulic fracking is responsible for a swarm of earthquakes, one of which was felt by Ohio residents in March 2014,...
A giant reptile which looked somewhat like a dolphin but had the behavior of a dinosaur was discovered around what...
If you've always wanted to choose the name of stuff from outer space but never got the chance... now's your...
NASA's Mars Curiosity Rover has discovered a tenfold spike in methane, an organic chemical which may indicate that there actually was...