The 2016 Nobel Prize in physics awarded to trio of topological experts
Bagel physics begets a prize.
Bagel physics begets a prize.
I'm buzzing with excitement.
A titanic footprint from a titan of a beast.
British-grown pork livestock has been tested positive for livestock associated MRSA, the Guardian reports.
"I was surprised. I was in my lab," the professor recalls.
Five UK universities working together hope to bring an end to HIV.
Shifting ocean chemistry and predatory pressure made organisms bunker up for the first time.
The most far-flung ablums ever.
A lot of things worked together to allow infection via casual touch alone.
So far, the baby girl is happy and healthy.
Scientists discovered how cancerous cells hide from immune system -- and how to make them targets again.
Taking a cue from mother nature.
Canned air doesn't seem like such a publicity stunt now, does it?
Archaeologists are still divided on what the finding actually means.
Monday night, a meteor put on a big show above Queensland.
Scientists found several faults with its application.
Nat Geo's Natural Photographer of the Year contest is in full swing -- and it's amazing.
Big country, big telescope.
One of the most awesome events happening in science since 1991.
It can manipulate objects in complex patterns for only 10 bucks.
Congress was not happy with Bresch's or the FDA's answers.
You could call it a flowing melody.
The company says its drones will be available for lease sometime next year.
While West Virginia is investigating EpiPen manufacturer Mylan for fraud, a biohacking group shows you can make a Pen at...
Not big enough to capture material, the centaurs supply their own.
Witnesses say the robot complied peacefully.
And the Allen Brain Atlas is free to use. Hurray!
When out for drinks, we're careful not to be the drunkest -- beyond that, anything goes.
Found on the island of Okinawa, these hooks show fish has been on the menu longer than we've though before.
A new study offers insight into how neurons work together to make us remember stuff.
Blue-dyed cotton has always been in.
You can't take 10% out of something and still expect it to work.
Humans have a surprising tendency to use the same sounds for the same objects -- across language barriers.
The new stars in bug-killing.
Zoom out far enough, and the Universe is a pretty homogenous place.
The rocks from Mars are surprisingly familiar.
Always go for a meal before you fossilize.
Not really Jaws but they'll do the trick.
A fascinating glimpse at how life overcomes adversity.
Power from thin air. Lots and lots of power.
It could be the key to understanding dark matter.
Can't they do what we all do and count on their tentacles?
Bacteria are creating whole new ecosystems in fracking wells.