Cannabidiol found effective as post-surgery pain management without side effects
A non-addictive painkiller with no side effects could change millions of lives for the better.
A non-addictive painkiller with no side effects could change millions of lives for the better.
These are the pigeons all other pigeons hail from.
An otherworldly place, right here on our planet.
The old adage goes that desperate times call for desperate measures. Although how useful or constructive an approach this is,...
The reconstruction is based on archeological and DNA data.
Scary as this may sound, the chances of anything bad happening are extremely small.
This is the first time researchers have developed a model for why some minerals can change color reversibly.
All I have to say is... ewwww.
In the future, the system will be adapted to monitor a host of other metrics.
This really is functional fashion!
We can't dissect a living brain to understand how it works -- but we can do it with a computer.
Metals, rock, and craters are sprinkled all throughout its surface.
This was not an animal you'd have liked to meet!
Wherever humans go, trash follows.
In a world where climate change is feeding freak weather, such turbines are more than welcome.
Critical drinking water supplies are on the verge of running out in the western USA.
Sometimes, copying nature can help us find amazing design ideas.
The government cautions its citizens to show “vigilance” in the coming days.
Sadly, the name has nothing to do with the Moon's color, nor its flavor.
Such findings can help improve research into diet quality in the future, and give us all some food for thought.
Precious little material has been found of this dino, but what we have points to a huge beast.
Such information can lead us to new ways to manage symptoms and save lives.
These results are consistent across racial and ethnic groups -- it works for everyone.
One man's shipwreck is another microbe's treasure.
It's not perfect, but it's a start!
What we can see has a lot to do with the environment, but it's also determined by genetic factors.
Although not yet fully automated, this is an impressive feat still!
That's an unprecedented result for any type of cancer.
The turbines promise clean, reliable energy generation.
The discovery could help us understand why giraffes evolved such long necks.
The exhibit contained around 250 sarcophagi and at least 150 bronze statues.
Once this unique ecosystem is gone, we won't be able to bring it back.
This predator had a "wingspan that defies the limits of our biological understanding," paleontologists say.
The findings answer a long-standing question in paleontology.
Both technological solutions and a change in farming patterns will be needed to adapt to this shift.
Social media is great at mindlessly wasting our time.
The menu was quite alluring, but the offal was not always well cooked.
Right now, people get most of their D3 vitamin from animal products in their diet.
It might seem pointless, but it’s not the water that spoils.
This device offers an alternative to batteries or solar panels to power small devices.
Other neurodegenerative diseases could also be treated using this approach.
These animals still carry the legacy of a near-brush with extinction.
Setting-up areas where these fish can migrate in peace would help these species remain healthy.
We might have unknowingly been dumping huge quantities of microplastics on our croplands.
I've never wanted to be a railway worker as much as I do right now.
The data could help us better diagnose and treat disorders of this system back on Earth.
It's safe to say that mountaintops are not the usual place where you'd find marine fossils.