Ancient Egyptians likely made their inks with soot from ores, X-ray analysis reveals
They kept this method for 300 to 400 years.
They kept this method for 300 to 400 years.
For once, something that tastes good is actually healthy for you.
It also showcases how powerful computer simulations can be in fighting viruses.
Until now, we didn't know if the two greeted with a handshake or a bloodbath.
Thankfully, nobody was hurt.
Taking a look at's surprisingly fun new feature.
Life's always greener on the other side. Even if that's the ocean.
Ah yes. The dreaded brain fart comes under scrutiny.
Who doesn't love a good meal?
The tiny spheres could boost our solar panels, telescopes, and might even lead to new cloaking devices!
The warmer temperatures seen in latter years helped keep its size in check.
Legen -- wait for it -- science!
Luckily we're really big on it now.
There aren't many things that can substitute a deep, thick forest.
Long neck, long history.
Sleep seems to be a keystone of memory formation and retention.
Now that's what I call a fan base.
As a bonus, it also probably makes them look awesome.
They're not interested in the 'high' part of cannabis, though.
It's not heat, but low pressure that drives this boiling.
Ancient but elegant.
Booze to the rescue! Just don't overindulge.
A wild streak makes them better at cooperating, the team reports.
Simple, elegant, efficient. Awesome!
More like Nether-nocoalburninghere-lands.
They only need thumbs to rule the oceans!
We're learning about learning!
He brings relevant expertise to the table, but also possible conflicts of interest.
These rods, known as bâton percé, are quite mysterious.
A youthful appearance is viewed as a sign of health and considered more attractive -- so it's no surprise that...
Brave move. Hopefully, it will pay off.
"It is quite an irony that forming the coal that today is a major factor for dangerous global warming once...
It was floating around where we estimated it would be.
So rare there's not one of them.
A lot has changed in 30.000 years.
Walk a mile in these shoes.
A great opportunity for clean energy to help set a tragedy right.
Drink and let the car drive!
It went under in 1924, claiming the lives of 25 crewmembers.
Turns out, planet farts are just like ours, but with chlorine!
Soon they'll carry little smartphones around. I hope.
It's being build today using only tech and know-how from the 13th century. Loads of fun!
They're the guys that tell proteins "freeze!"