People who can’t form images in their mind have a surprising trait — they’re harder to spook with words
Ignorance really does seem to be bliss -- even from our own minds.
Ignorance really does seem to be bliss -- even from our own minds.
We're talking swarms of millions of bots here.
Not being tectonically active has its drawbacks.
If you like volcanoes, Earth isn't a bad place to live on. After all, our planet is quite geologically active,...
Space: the final petri dish.
It's almost ready for launch!
The king of the lizards turned out to be the first fully ocean-dwelling whale.
I have it on very good authority that it's more than 20 degrees, for sure.
Any red-blooded American has this in their veins.
The trek is a few dozen kilometers long.
Now that's a big steak!
If you're struggling with such a condition, well, then this is some very good news for hue!
Maybe it was jumping for joy?
Teach me your secrets, cuttlefish.
Your emails might become historical evidence in a few centuries!
Sometimes, speed is of the essence.
Hey at least there's a silver lining.
One Falcon 9 rocket that was shuttling Starlink satellites into orbit for SpaceX has encountered problems before launch on Sunday...
We should try it on Nemo.
The Royal Mint is honoring her work in the field of paleontology.
What a time to be alive.
Romantic relationships can be a blast and bring true happiness -- but they can also turn sour. And although we...
The ultimate embodiment of ‘high risk, high rewards'.
We don't know what split them up, but one is crashing while the other is slowly inching away.
Drug manufacturers Pfizer and Moderna are ramping up production of their COVID-19 vaccine. Johnson & Johnson is waiting for approval...
My apartment is next to a 4-lane street. I'm all for cleaner air.
You batter pay attention if you don't know what this is.
A new meta analysis of research into the merits of cannabidiol (CBD), one of the active compounds in marijuana, reports...
Well it's very sweet, and as far as we can tell, yes.
I am not making any of this up.
It doesn't attack them directly, but strips tumors of their defense.
Ever seen a sawfish? Chances are you didn't because they're very endangered.
And they might be doing it to make us happy.
I hear travelling to faraway places is a perk of the job.
Though to be fair, aren’t we all at risk of that currently?
That’s a staggering figure.
Fish aren't having a good time.
Simple questions often lead to very rich topics.
Finding noble clothes at a smelting site isn’t very common.
Who doesn't get tilted every now and then, eh?
"Knowing where people have to commute to, rather than where they live, is potentially much more important to curb the...
Helicopter to Mars, submarine to Titan, what’s next? A subway on Venus?
People, we have to chill here. Literally.