Grilling or microwaving mushrooms best preserves their nutritional properties
If you've always wondered how to best cook mushrooms -- these Spanish scientists have your back.
If you've always wondered how to best cook mushrooms -- these Spanish scientists have your back.
Not getting enough sleep makes people want to avoid you. Seriously.
Three cups of coffee is already too much.
The standard of beauty should not be unhealthy.
The common belief that cheese and dairy are bad for your heart is simply wrong, a new review of 29...
It's the corporations, man, I'm telling you!
A new study sheds new light on one of the last living African dinosaurs, from 66 million years ago.
Finally, a reason to post food photos!
Unfortunately, the world of science has plenty of room to improve when it comes to treating men and women equally.
Whenever population pressure increases, more food is imported.
Does this not look delicious to you?
They found so many things they're going to open a museum right in the new metro station.
The report confirms getting infected in the first trimester comes with the most risks.
It's the 14th family member archaeologists have found in the area.
A tiny protein which can make a big difference!
Yet another study underscores how important legumes are to a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Who knows what other plants or medicines await discovery in Africa?
CT scanning shark fossil reveals their origins.
Can we feed the world without pesticides?
It's the first time scientists have shown fructose can be produced in the brain.
When this happens, action must be taken -- if not by lawmakers, then by consumers.
A new research has found why brief bodily stresses are good for your health and longevity.
It's simple, cheap, and very very healthy!
Waitrose, a British upscale supermarket, has become the first major European company to use trucks powered by food waste.
Thus, China consolidates its role as a world leader in renewable energy.
Camping is an excellent antidote to the ills of modern life, a new study has found.
Gates didn't shy away from discussing Trump.
It was adorable, but also terrifying.
OK, just put some extra garlic on it.
Food aid shipments and many retailers have been using the same packaging for decades.
Geoscientists working in South America have uncovered an ancient berry.
If the paper is right, then 17 percent more emissions will be released into the atmosphere by 2050.
An innovative study challenges the idea that all thinking is done in the head.
Obama hopes the move will be hard to undo for his successor.
An encouraging study conducted by Harvard researchers found that having an optimistic outlook on life may help people to live...
Teenagers' use of hard drugs, alcohol and tobacco in the US has gone down significantly in recent years.
We're living in the future.
How to make money in your sleep -- just do it.
Unless we start reducing fossil fuel consumption drastically and fast, irreversible changes will happen in the Arctic and that will...
A few cents can make a big difference.
Previous experience, and not an inherent ability, makes men or women better at recognizing faces.
Vaccines save lives.
An artsy calendar that makes you stop and think about how you spend your time -- with a bit of...
Parents tell their children that 'lying is bad' but not everyone takes their word for it.
There may have been a bang.
Old or young, there's not much difference in work ethic.
There might be a way to help alpha males understand when women are interested.
Pass me some of that fat.
This tabby cat just celebrated its 31st birthday, after recovering from a serious illness.
While many officials are celebrating the climate agreement reached in Paris, the world is still massively heating up.