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Disgruntled Software Developer Deployed a "Kill Switch" That Crashed His Former Employer’s Network. He Now Faces 10 Years in Prison

A former Eaton Corp. employee faces prison for planting malicious code after losing responsibilities at work.

Scientists Found a Rare Scorpion That Sprays Venom in Columbia

This Colombian scorpion sprays venom over 36 centimeters in self-defense.

This Small Deep-Sea Predator Hidden in the Atacama Trench is Darkness Personified

Hidden in the abyss of the Atacama Trench, Dulcibella camanchaca reveals itself as a unique predator adapted to the darkness.

AI Is Willing to Lie, Cheat, and Manipulate to Win. Now What?

“While directly editing game files might seem unconventional, there are no explicit restrictions against modifying files,” the AI said.

Scientists Discover a New Form of Inheritance That Doesn’t Involve DNA

A worm's strange sex change led scientists down a path towards a potential new form of inheritance.

Birds are building nests out of decades-old plastic trash and it's a record of the Anthropocene

Eurasian coots are unknowingly creating plastic archives of the Anthropocene.

Your Skin Can "Taste" Bitter Compounds to Protect Against Toxins

Bitter taste receptors on the skin were found to fight and expel toxins.

Megalodon Wasn’t a Fat Great White—It Was a Sleek Lean Killing Machine

Looks like the movies got it wrong; who would have guessed?

To Spin Silk Five Times Stronger Than Steel, Spiders Perform a Stretching Trick

Stretching is key to spider silk's remarkable properties.

Elon Musk has another dumb take. This time, on avian flu

Musk has become the ultimate disinformation machine.