An ancient tomb possibly belonging to Amenhotep, the second Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of Egypt. Photographs distributed by the ministry show a tomb with bright green and brown paintings with hieroglyphics and is one of the most spectacular findings in recent years.

“The tomb contains many stunning scenes with bright colours painted on plaster,” Antiquities Minister Mamdouh Eldamaty said in a statement. Many of scenes represent the tomb owner and his wife in front of an offering table and a view of a goddess nursing a royal child as well as scenes of the daily life,” he added.

The layout is typical of the period.
“The tomb is T shaped and consists of a Transverse Hall 5.10m in length and 1.5m wide that leads to another chamber that is 2.5m long and 2.1 wide. There is a small unfinished niche at the eastern end. There is also an entrance in the south that leads to a small side room which is 2m by 2m. In the middle of this room there is a shaft that may lead to the burial chamber”, Eldamaty explained.
Unfortunately, the tomb has been vandalized, for unknown reasons. The damage was actually done in ancient times, and aside for the likely theft, some writings and drawings were also erased.

“The name and titles of the tomb owner, some hieroglyphic texts and scenes in addition to the names of the god Amun were deliberately erased,” said Sultan Eid, the ministry’s general director for the Upper Egypt region.